We employ a novel approach to team-building and self-awareness, rooted in ancient modalities and adapted for the modern business world.

Our Team

Krassy Hofmann

As a graduate of Harvard Business School, Krassy spent 25 years as a business executive serving Global Fortune 500 clients in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Her early fascination with the humanities and psychology led to her discovery of astrological tools and frameworks for improving relationships, making decisions, and creating opportunities. By combining her self-discovery toolkit with deep experience in corporate governance, board-level ethics training, and people management, Krassy offers modern leaders a fresh approach to personal and professional development. A native of Bulgaria, Krassy now calls Oakland home, where she lives with her husband Josh, and feisty young daughters Aly & Stella.

Maria Lovi

As a Human Resources executive with a degree in psychology and more than 20 years of experience at venture-backed tech startups, law firms, and Fortune 500 corporations, Maria understands how to develop systems that attract, retain, develop, and engage top talent. A skilled workshop facilitator, continuing education consultant, and advisor on organizational design, Maria partners with executives to design custom talent development programs that fit their size, stage, and goals. Her extensive travels throughout the U.S., Europe, and Asia have helped her to challenge traditional notions of success, motivation, fulfillment, and leadership. A Bay Area native, she’s based in Oakland and enjoys sports, cooking, and spending time with her family and friends in her non-working hours.

Our Why

In a 2023 report, 71% of employees said “not feeling valued” was significant part why they left their jobs. They experienced recognition as inauthentic and leaders as disingenuous.

Attitudes towards workplace norms have been profoundly changed in recent years.  Attracting, developing and retaining top talent is vital to achieving business objectives. Executives understand they need to reach and inspire their teams across hybrid environments. Despite strides in scaling corporate recognition efforts across myriads of communication channels, employees at all levels continue to report management fails to appreciate their individual efforts.

One size does not fit all when we make efforts to recognize teammates at all levels. We all have different styles and needs, which must be seen by our managers and peers in order to feel a sense of belonging and perform at our best.

Our Approach

We employ a novel approach to team-building and self-awareness, rooted in ancient modalities and adapted for the modern business world.

The science of psychology as practiced today draws on the wisdom of ancient archetypes. Carl Jung, the founder of analytic psychology, defined archetypes as “ancient images that derive from the collective unconscious” which he studied from classical literature and astrological texts. Jung further explained, “astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity”.

Astrology as a discipline teaches that the alignment of stars and planets during our time and date of birth can affect our personalities, environments, and outcomes. People have looked to the stars for guidance for millennia - from early explorers navigating uncharted waters to ancient philosophers seeking self-understanding and actualization. Like all modalities for self-discovery, astrology utilizes frameworks, charts and questions to hone in on human talents, challenges and effective solutions.

Our practice combines elements of traditional leadership development frameworks such as strength assessment and 360 feedback with astrological methods.